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Write 7-8 sentences about the presents you got/gave on one of the holidays.start like this.(это ) вот начало текста: it was . i decided to give presents to тут нужно вставить слова и продолжить

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Ответы на вопрос:

It was christmas. i decided to give presents to my friends and my family members. i gave a beautiful dress to my little sister. my best girlfriend gave me a huge pack of sweets. and i gave her great clock. so this year she won't be late to meet me if we'd like to walk together. i like to give and get presents.

somebody is knocking at the door.

кто-то стучит в дверь.


is there anybody here?

есть здесь кто-нибудь?


there are some cats in the garden.

в саду несколько кошек.


we miss any attempt to explain.

мы не видим попытки какого бы то ни было объяснения.


there’s someone at the door.

кто-то за дверью.


i was afraid to tell anyone.

я боялся кому-нибудь сказать.


is there anything you want?

вам что-нибудь нужно?






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