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Перевести на черноморском побережье много прекрасных курортов. сочи- мое любимое место отдыха. в прошлом году я со своей семьей ездил на машине в адлер. мы провели отпуск на побережье черного моря. погода была жаркая и сухая. каждый день мы ходили купаться в море, загорали на пляже, а вечером ходили в кино. мы получили огромное удовольствие от нашей поездки. -вы были в отпуске в этом году? -да, у меня был отпуск в августе. -куда вы ездили отдыхать? -я провел свой отпуск в болгарии. -какая погода была там в августе? -было жарко. каждый день мы ходили к морю и проводили много времени на пляже,купались,загорали,играли в волейбол.мы прекрасно провели время

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There are many wonderful resorts on the black sea. sochi is my favorite vacation spot. last year my family and i drove to adler. we spent vacation on the black sea. it was hot and dry. every day we went bathing in the sea, tanning on the beach and went to the movies in the evening. we enjoyed our vacation very much. - have you been on vacation this year? - yes, my vacation was in august. - where've you gone on vacation? - i spent my vacation in bulgaria. - what was the weather like there in august? - hot. every day we went seaside, spent lots of time on the beach, suntanned, played volleyball. we had a wonderful time.

On the black sea coast of the many fine resorts. sochi is my favorite place of rest. last year my family and i traveled by car in adler. we spent our vacation on the black sea coast. the weather was hot and dry. every day we went to swim in the sea, sunbathing on the beach and in the evening went to the movies. we really enjoyed our trip.you were on vacation this year? yes, i had a holiday in august.where did you go on vacation? i spent my vacation in bulgaria.what the weather was there in august? it was hot. every day we went to the sea and spent a lot of time on the beach,swam,sunbathed,played  volleyball  .we had a great time

1. my specialty is not just a profession that I have chosen , it is my way of life

2. I went to study at the Academy of fine arts to gain knowledge, learn technology and color combinations, various styles, and the history of PDM

3. I like to study here, because you can combine materials for work

4. so simple things turn into elegant and bright

5. When I look at my products, I feel their aesthetic value

6. the main task of art is to make the environment and everyday life of a person beautiful

7. the Department includes creative tasks, in particular folk and professional modern ceramics, creative projects, artistic design of ceramics, applied ceramics, compositions for the architectural environment.

8. ceramic is an environmentally friendly material that is not subject to corrosion

9. you can also see through it the history of past centuries - what the ancients did

10. you should always experiment with ceramics.

and sometimes unpredictable things happen that burn. for example, the work may become a different color or even crack

11. the variety of shapes and textures of ceramics inspires me to create ceramics

for the architectural environment.

8. ceramic is an environmentally friendly material that is not subject to corrosion

9. you can also see through it the history of past centuries - what the ancients did

10. you should always experiment with ceramics.

and sometimes unpredictable things happen that burn. for example, the work may become a different color or even crack

11. the variety of shapes and textures of ceramics inspires me to create ceramics

12. nevertheless, paintings deteriorate, sculptures deteriorate. And ceramics, perhaps, is the only material with which nothing happens with age. Ceramics can only be broken. This gives me an understanding that I am making something from eternal material, something that can last a long time and please someone's eyes.


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