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Дайте перевод словосочетаниям: 1. to cast light on sth 2. to cast one's mind back 3. to cast sth from one's mind 4. to cast a spell on/over sb 5. to cast a (one's) vote 6. to cast doubt on sth 7. to cast one's eyes down 8. to cast sb or sth aside 9. to be cast away 10. the die is cast

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. проливать свет на что-л. 2. вспомнить прошлое, былое; окинуть взглядом прошлое, мысленно вернуться к прошлому 3. выбросить из головы 4. околдовать 5. проголосовать 6. ставить что-л под сомнение 7. потупить взор (глаза) 8. отвергнуть кого-либо, что-либо 9. оказаться на необитаемом острове; быть выброшенным 10. жребий брошен, выбор сделан

1)  scotland is very beautiful! there are mountains, valleys, lakes and hundreds of islands.2) she was surprised and really liked it. " britain isan unusually beautiful country! "3) "i had a chance to visit wales on my last holiday.", "holiday makers love the beautiful welsh beaches, and the mountains of snowdonia..", " highlands turn into lowlands, forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly."4) "   holiday makers love the beautiful welsh beaches, and the mountains of snowdonia are popular, too. there are some ancient castles which are also big tourist attractions. a popular musical instrument in wales is a harp2. welsh people like singing and organize music festivals. the welsh are crazy about rugby. it's their national sport. there is a fantastic stadium in cardiff."5) " when you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. highlands turn into lowlands, forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly"6) " i was surprised when i learnt that there are 2 official languages in wales, welsh and english. children study welsh at school.  "

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