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Перевести текст на язык. я живу в однокомнатной квартире. в комнате возле окна стоит стол. на столе стоит компьютер. на подоконнике в комнате стоит вазон. в комнате которой я живу много солнца и света. с левой стороны комнаты стоит шкаф, с правой кресло. на полу в комнате лежит ковер красного цвета.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ilive in a studio apartment. a table is near the window in the room. computer is on the table. vase stands on a windowsill in the room. a lot of sun light in the room where i live. on the left side of the room is a closet, on the right side is seat. on the floor of the room is red carpet.

Iam living in one room flat. there is a table near the window. i am having a computer on it. there is a vase on the window sill. in the room there i am living is always bright and sunny. in the left corner there is a cupboard in the right there is an armchair. on the floor there is a red carpet.

Saturday and sunday are weekends in my family. as always, saturday is a day of homework and homework. mom starts a great cleaning. i first have to do all the school tasks, then i help the farm. therefore, on sunday we have a lot of free time. on holidays in the morning we go to church. looking forward to the weekend in the summer, my father drove everyone to the lake. we sunbathe and swim. in winter, i ride on sledges or skates. let's go to the guests or take guests at home. we also like to watch an interesting tv show, listen to music, read books or just chat. this is how my family goes home. our family has a small cottage on the shore of the lake. there, we often spend weekends. we fight in the garden. i like to help my mother. when the ripening crops, it is pleasant to taste currants, raspberries, apples and pears. mom brew delicious vegetables made from our hands. in our free time, we go to the shore of the lake. how to perfectly freshen the transparent vodka in the heat, swim and sunbathe. i like rest in the country. отправить перевод

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