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Underline the passive form of the verbs. translate into russian 1. the meat was being fried.2. the rooms were being cleaned3. the film was being watched4. when she came home , the baby was being washed 5. the letters have just been sent 6. the houses have already been buily7. the contract has already been signed 8. the film has already been show

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Обведите пассивные формы глагола. переведите на .  1.мясо было прожарено. 2.комнаты были убраны. 3.фильм был просмотрен. 4.она моет ребёнка, когда приходит домой. 5.письмо было просто отправлено. 6.дом был уже построен. 7.контракт уже был подписан. 8.фильм уже был просмотрен.

Was being fried,  were being cleaned,  was being watched,  was being washed,  have  been sent, have been built,  has been signed, has been shown

1)Paula is selfishly person in her family.

2)I've never met a dullest person than Steve.

3)Thanks so much for the flowers! It's littlest I could do.

4)The much he said, the angrier I left!

5)The sooner, the wallets

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