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Underline the passive form of the verbs. translate into russian 1. the meat was being fried. 2. the rooms were being cleaned 3. the film was being watched 4. when she came home , the baby was being washed 5. the letters have just been sent 6. the houses have already been buily 7. the contract has already been signed 8. the film has already been show

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. was being fried. мясо сейчас жарят 2. were being cleaned комнаты сейчас убирают 3. was being watched фильм смотрели 4. was being washed  когда она пришла домой, ребёнка купали 5. have been sent письмо только что послали  6. have been built дома уже построили  7. has been signed    контракт уже подписали 8.has been shown кино уже показали

Он раньше жил в курске-he used to live in kursk мой брат не любил рыбу, когда был маленький-my brother didn't use to like fish, when he was a child они раньше проводили лето в горах? - did they use to spend summer in the mountains?

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