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Грамотно перевести текст с на : я люблю ходить по магазинам. даже если я не чего не покупаю, мне приятно наблюдать за тем, как развивается мода. последний раз я была в магазине одежды «соваж» в отделе вечерних платьев. я была счастлива, что смогла купить себе дорогое, но красивое платье. теперь у меня есть возможность посещать многие торжественные мероприятия. покупая платье себе, я присмотрела костюм для мамы. это был строгий костюм для работы в офисе. мама примерила, и он ей подошел. она была счастлива, когда я его ей купила.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ilove to go shopping. even if i do not what is not  i buy, i am very pleased to observe that as evolving fashion. last  time i was in a clothing store "sauvage" in the department of evening dresses. i was very  happy that i was able to buy an expensive but very beautiful dress. now  i have the opportunity to visit many of the celebrations. buying a dress  me, i have looked after costume for mom. it was a formal suit for office work.  mom tried on, and he approached her. she was happy when i bought it.

Ilike shopping. even if i don't buy anything it's very pleasant for me to follow development of fashion. last time i was in "sauvage" clothes shop in the department of evening dresses. i was very happy, as i managed to buy an expensive but beautiful dress. so now i have an ability to go to many solemn activities. buying a dress, i saw a costume for my mother. it was a formal suit for office work. my mom has tried it on and it was suit. so, she was very happy when i've bought it.

1.went 2.is 3.have visited,was 4.are meeting 5.get 6.was 7.is not 8.have seen 9.did she spend

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