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Translate the sentences into english. 1. сколько у тебя друзей? 2. эта зима принесет много снега. 3. в кувшине много воды. 4. сколько яблок тебе нужно? 5. я иду в магазин. сколько хлеба тебе нужно? 6. сколько мороженого ты можешь сьесть? 7. я не хочу пить много чая.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1. how many friends do you have? 2. this winter will bring much snow. 3. there is much water in a jug. 4. how many apples do need you? 5. i go to the store. how many bread does need you? 6. how many ice-cream can you eat? 7. i am not thirsty much tea.

1)i washed the dishes after dinner. 2)when i opened the door, my friends were sitting at the table. 3) when i read the newspaper yesterday, i found an interesting article about ufos. 4) what did you do yesterday at 4: 00? i fed the cat. 5) i saw mike when he was crossing the street. 6) kate yesterday did not go for a walk, it all day to write an essay.

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