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Ответы на вопрос:

miranda: hello! what do you want to do tonight? jake: hi! i want to descend in a museum piragova/m: oh i"ve heard thats a good museum. what time he opens? j: 10: 30 pm.

m: will you come and pick me up?

j: what time?

m: i think we should get there early because they might be sold out. is 9: 00 ok?

j: yes that ll be fine. i ll meet you at your house at 9: 0 pm

m: do you want to get something to eat before the museum?

j: ok then i ll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the restaurant next to the museum is that ok?

m: ok, see you 

Ďĕáŕ друга) ĥi..ĥoŵ áŕĕ ŷoú ? ŵĥáť áŕĕ ŷoú ďoińğ? i ám iń iťáĺiá ŵiťĥ mŷ family .we arrived in rome 1day ago.rome its very beautiful,wonderful city. the weather is sunny,windy and hot. sorry,my dear friend i with my family go to excursion for rome.what about your holidays? see you soon имя)

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