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Перевести на масло свежее.она тебе понравится.2)где масло? 3)положи масло в холодильник.4)дай мне немного масла,кусочка масла хватит.5)дома есть масло? 6()масло-это молочный продукт 1)три чая,.2)-вам чай или кофе? -мне стакан чая.3) любят пить чай с молоком ,а предпочитают чай с лимоном.4)в коробке для чая нет чая.купи чая,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the butter is fresh. you will like it. 2. where is the butter? 3. put the butter into the fridge. 4. give some butter.  a piece of butter will be enough. 5. is there any butter at home? 6. butter is a dairy product. 7. three tea, please 8. would you like tea or coffee? - i would like a glass of tea.  9.    the englishmen like to drink tea with milk but russian people prefer tea with lemon. there is no tea in the tea caddy. buy tea, please.

p: good morning, doctor smith

d: good morning, john

p: i feel better today. can i stop using that yellow pills?

d: no, you must continue.

p: have i got to use some other prescriptions after i'll get out of hosptial?

d: no, when you'll be out of hospital, you may to continue with your daily activities.

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