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When i was little my mother always bought an ice-cream. she was so beautiful in her new blue dress. i was crying all day. he was in spain year ago. they were at harry's party yesterday.

1.wаs preparing  my dinner in the kitchen.  2.we saw an accident while we were travelling by car yesterday evening  3. ann fell asleep while she was waiting her friend from work  4. the television was on, but nobody was interesting in it.  перевод: 1. дверной звонок прозвенел, пока я готовил мой ужин на кухне  2. мы видели происшествие, пока (когда) путешествовали на машине вчера вечером  3. анна уснула, пока ждала своего друга с работы  4. телевизор был включен, но это никого не интересовало. 

17  - years,  when he started to sell his products. 150  -  number of stores. 2005  -  in this year was a record of new stores. 6000  -  quantity of  customers who visited new  store  midnight opening. 17.3  -  billion  euros,  totall  sales in 2006. по-моему  скромному  мнению, текст похож на один из ielts  текстов))

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