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1. when is bonfire night? 2. how is bonfire night also known as? 3. do many people in the uk celebrate bonfire night with family and friends? 4. what does the history of bonfire night begin with? 5. what did guy fawkes and his friends try to blow up on november the 6th 1605. 6. was their plan known as the gun powder plot? 7. did they fail? 8. were guy fawkes and his friends arrested, found guilty and sentenced to death? 9. do people light bonfires after dark on this day? 10. do they let off fireworks? ответы

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1. b. n. is on the fifth of november. 2. b.n.is also known as guy fawkes night. 3. many people in the uk celebrate b. n. with their families and friends. 4. the history of b.n. begins with the events of the 5th of november 1605. 5. guy fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the houses of parliament. 6. their plan was known as the gunpowder plot, 7. they failed. 8. guy fawkes and his friends were arrested, found guilty and sentenced to death. 9. on this day people light bonfires after dark. 10. they let off fireworks.

1. we did not magine yesterday the meeting would take so long.2. i am afraid my friend is still in hospital.3. he has not finished medical training, he is twenty-five.4. some days ago i was going through my wardrobe and picked out all the clothes which were small for me.5. she picked the magazine from the floor where it had fallen.6. have you already seen this play? - we saw it last friday. it was a bit boring at first but it picked up later on.7. now scientists predict that by the year 2025 the population will have risen to eight billion and by the year 2050 it will have reached ten billion.

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