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Ii. open the brackets. put the sentences into past continuous 1. it (to snow) while we (to make) the snowman. 2. at seven o'clock yesterday i (to go) to the theatre. 3. when i (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. 4. when kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree. 5. i (not to sleep) at nine o'clock yesterday. 6. my sister (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. 7. i (to write) to you while my husband (to speak) over the phone.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. it was snowing  while we were making  the snowman.2. at seven o'clock yesterday i was going  to thetheatre.3. when i was seeing  my friends, they were playing football.4.when kate was opening  the door, the children were dancing round  the fir-tree.5. i wasn't sleeping  at nine o'clock yesterday.6.  my sister wasn't playing  the pi­ano at four o'clock yesterday.7. i was writing  to you while my husband was speaking  over the phone.

извините меня.не хочу сказать ничего лишнего.я не могу сейчас но можете сделать так переведите текст через переводчик,там можно сфоткать и переведется.потом во переведите и вы поймете смысл во и найдете в тексте.так все делают и у вас получится.удачи вам

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