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Нужно подправить эссе. у меня с все плохо, знаю, что ошибок много. sport is an important part of every person’s life. many parents send their children in sports at an early age. they want their children to become future professional sportsmen. let's think, is it good? i think it is right. children from an early age begin to lead a healthy lifestyle. sport helps the child to be disciplined, independent, strong. physical effort are for the benefit of the children.on the other hand if you give the child immediately to professional sports (for example, football), he gets too strong physical exertion, on which the will be tired. the child may not be thrust to professional sport. always need to ask what the child wants to engage. if you give him 5 years to football and he comes home and complains - is worth considering. maybe his vocation in another? do not make a child to engage in what he does not like. this way you do it is even worse. your obsessive desire to make a child a professional sportsman can spoil his psyche. thus it can be concluded that exercise affect the body only in the better health. your child will be less likely to be exposed to various of health problems. but before send your child to the sports section, you should consider his wishes. if he does not like professional sports, do not to send it to him. better to find another sphere in of which he could become a professional.

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Sport is an important part of every person’s life. many parents make their children take a sport at an early age. they want their children to become professional sportsmen. let's think if it is good or not. i think it is a right thing to do. children from an early age begin to lead a healthy life. sports help a child to be disciplined, independent, and strong. physical effort is beneficial to children. on the other hand if you lead your child straight to professional sports (for example, football), he receives too much physical exertion далее нужен вариант, т. к. трудно догадаться, что точно хотелось выразить.

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