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The children lessons in the morning. что вставить

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Глагол have (иметь) в том времени,которое потребуется. например: had,will have. и не забывай про окончание s,es в 3 лице ед.ч.

I'm doing my homework. he's watching a video. she's playing the computer game. we're cooking dinner. they're singing a song. i'm not going my homework. he isn't watching a video. she isn't playing the computer game. we aren't cooking dinner. they aren't singing a song. am i doing my homework? is he watching a video? is she playing the computer game? are they cooking dinner? are we singing a song? i did my homework. he said no. she told me about it. we could helped him. they were hungry. i didn't do my homework he didn't say no. she didn't tell me about it. we couldn't help him. they didn't be hungry. did i do my homework? did he say no? did she tell me about it? could we help him? did they be hungry?

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