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Вставить правильно слова 1).(is rain.is raining.rains.) will help us.(the black's.blacks.the blacks') 3)the is nice.(fox's.foxes's.foxes) 4)your brother white shirt isn't he? (wear.wears.wearing) 5)it doesn't often .(snow.snows.snowing) 6)he his homework in the afternoon.(do.does.is doing) 7)he homework now.(do.does.is doing) question? (she asked.was she ask.did she ask) 9)who go to the park? (want.does want.wants) 10)her mother's uncle lives in africa 't she.doesn't he.isn't he)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is raining потому что есть слово now и это презент континиус  2) 3)fox's 4) wears 5)snow 6)do 7)is doing 8)did she ask 9) 10)doesn't he

1)please do not take a book from the table.

2)let's not hang the table with geometric symbols.

3)don't let me do it myself now.

4)don't come here at seven o'clock.

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