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Переведите 1)приключения тома сойера это не последний роман марка твена 2)мой брат мало что понимает (знает) в последней моде 3)какой последний фильм ты смотрел ? в прошлом месяце я не ходил в кино

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the adventures of tom sawyer is not the latest novel by mark twain2) my brother was little understood (know) in the latest fashion3) what was the last film you watched? last month, i didn't go to the cinema

1.when is rosy going to finish school? 2.who is interested in horse riding? 3. whose name is fire? 4.не знаю 5.where is she? 6.she is helping her aunt ,isn't she? 7.why is she helping her aunt? 8.what is the name of her aunt's son 9.how old is he? 10.what is his places of interest? 11.не знаю

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