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Ihave a dog. my dog ​​is small. she is two years. she is very fluffy. this is a lap dog. her name is charlie. i love hanging out with her ​​on the street. my dog ​​is very cheerful, kind and flexible. she loves to run around on the grass. i love to feed his dog. i buy her food. my dog ​​sleeps on a mat near the door. dog man's best friend. everybody knows it.

я люблю розы. эти нежные цветы,которые дарят мужчины своим возлюбленным, сыновья своим мамам и бабушкам. это необычные растуния с многообразием цветов. больше всего из них распространены красные и белые розы. но есть еще розовые,желтые,голубые. а раньше можно было встретить темно-черные розы. как правило такие ложили на могилы умершим. как последнюю память о жизни,о любви. благоухающие цветы радовали глаз . а их нектар использовали парфюмеры для изготовления духов.


i love roses. these delicate flowers that give a man his beloved sons, their mothers and grandmothers. it is very unusual растуния with a variety of colors. most of them are common red and white roses. but there is still pink,yellow,blue. and earlier it was possible to meet the dark-black roses. as a rule such laid on the graves of the dead. as the last of the memory about life,about love. and sweet-smelling flowers please the eye . and their nectar used perfumers for the manufacture of perfume.

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