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Перевести 1. разве ты не видишь, он смеется над тобой? 2. я с ним поговорю, как только он придет. 3. я просмотрю статью, пока ты принимаешь ванну. 4. когда я приезжаю в лондон, я обычно останавливаюсь у друзей, но в этот раз я живу (to stay) в отеле. 5. летом я собираюсь в крым. я отдыхаю там каждый год. 6. наследующей неделе мы будем готовиться к вечеринке. 7. он начал идти быстро, хотя не видел, куда шел. 8. вокруг нас были люди, которые говорили на итальянском. мы ничего не понимали. 9. он остановился, все вокруг смотрели на него. 10. я вошел в комнату. мама читала книгу, папа смотрел телевизор.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. do not you see , he laughs at you ? 2 . i 'll talk to him as soon as he comes. 3 . i view the article , as long as you take a bath . 4 . when i come to london , i usually stay with friends, but this time i live (to stay) at the hotel. 5 . in the summer i'm going to the crimea. i vacation there every year. 6. heritage week we prepare for the party. 7. he started to go very quickly, although not seen where he was going . 8. around us were people who spoke italian . we did not understand anything . 9. he stopped , looked at everything around him. 10 . i entered the room. mom reading a book , watching tv dad .

1. don't you see, he laughs at you? 2. i will speak with him as soon as he arrives. 3. i look through the article until you take a bath. 4. when i come to london, i usually stay friends, but this time i live (to stay) in the hotel. 5. in summer i'm in the crimea. i'm there every year. 6. onnext week we will be getting ready for the party. 7. he started walking very quickly, although not seen on going. 8. around us there were people who spoke italian. we didn't understand. 9. he stopped, looked all around him. 10. i went in the room. mom read the book, dad was watching tv.

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