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Нужно перевести текст и правильно построить предложения - на . 1. статья, которая была написана за границей 2. редактор, который решает , что транслировать 3. иностранный корреспондент, который посылает статьи из 4. заголовок, который необычный 5. журнал где было написано много статей . через переводчик нельзя.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.article which has been written abroad  2.the editor, who decides what to broadcast  3.the foreign correspondent who sends articles from england  4.the heading, which unusual   5.magazine where many articles have been written

1. the article, which was written abroad  2. editor, who decides what to broadcast  3. foreign correspondent who sends an article from england  4. title, which is unusual  5. magazine which was written many articles

1. why were you angry with me yesterday? - i was not.

2. where were you last night? we were at the theatre.

3. when i (came) to the bus stop, i (saw) a boy who (was playing) with a dog.

4. it (was) eleven o'clock, when i ( decided) to go to bed.

5. what time did they ( have) dinner yesterday? they (were having) dinner from seven till eight.

6. when she (saw) him a year ago she (did not recognize) him.

7. i (was) very busy yesterday. i (was preparing) for my exam the whole day.

s. my brother ( washed/was washing) the dishes while i (was sweeping) the floor

9. why didn't you ( see) a doctor yesterday?

10. it (was raining) heavily when he (went) out.

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