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5. из двух простых предложений составьте сложноподчинённое с who, whom, whose, which, where. 0. the bed wasn’t very comfortable. i slept in it last night. – the bed in which i slept last night wasn't very comfortable. 1. the man is my neighbour. he helped you with your bags. 2. the girl studies economics at university. he is in love with her. 3. the house is a museum now. the writer lived there. 4. the film was very interesting.i saw it yesterday. 5. i have a classmate. her mother is a popular actress.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the man who helped you with your bags is my neighbour.2. t he girl whom he loves studies economics at university.3. the house where the writer lived is a museum now. 4. the film which i saw yesterday was very interesting.  5. i have a classmate

3. was brought, was closed; 4/were performed; 5/was called back; 6/were fixed, 10/was prepared, 11/are scolded, are seen; 14/ has been found, 15/were put away, 17/ was unwound, 20/christie,  had been discussed by, 21/was had been beaten, was being beaten, was heard, was followed.

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