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V. заполните пропуски словосочетаниями с прилагательными в превосходной степени ( est; most пример. it’s a very nice room. it’s the nicest room in the hotel. 1. spring is a very busy time for me. it is in the year. 2. it is a very valuable painting. it is the gallery. 3. she’s a very good player. she’s the team. 4. he’s a very dangerous criminal. he’s the country. те

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  spring is a very busy time for me. it is the busiest time in the year.2.  it is a very valuable painting. it is the most valuable painting in the gallery.3.  she’s a very good player. she’s the best player in the team.4.    he’s a very dangerous criminal. he’s the most dangerous criminal in the country.


Hi Mark? How's life going? i hope you are doing well. have you watched the movie called Ice 2? its great you should watch it. the main characters are Nadya and Sasha, its such a romantic movie! Nadya is a figure skater and Sasha is a Hockey player, they are married and dream about having a child

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