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Распределить слова по группам have swim go work meet practise eat do look paint serve read deliver repair wate come группы: play-plaing dance-dansing get-getting надо!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Группа  play-playing: go-going work-working meet-meeting eat-eating do-doing look-looking paint-painting read-reading deliver-delivering repair-repairing wait-waiting (в написано wate, такого глагола не существует, скорее всего вы имели в виду глагол wait - ждать) группа  dance-dancing: have-having practise-practising serve-serving come-coming  группа  get-getting: swim-swimming

1. Joe said, "I'm going away this week."

Joe said he was going away that week.

2. The athlete said, "I will win the race tomorrow."

The athlete said he would win the race the next day.


TOMORROW по правилам согласования меняется на THE NEXT DAY

3. The news reporter said, "People have been protesting in the streets today."

The news reporter said people had been protesting in the streets that day.

4. The director said, "The company will continue to grow next year."

The director said the company would continue to grow the following year.

То же самое NEXT меняется на THE FOLLOWING

5. Last year, the doctor said, "You need to rest more."

Last year, the doctor told me I need to rest more.

Модальный глагол NEED не меняется в косвенной речи.

6. The president said, "I won't lose the election."

The president said he wouldn't lose the election, but he did.

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