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Ответьте на вопросы: what is our national anthem? who wrote it? did our country use to have any other national anthem in the last 100 years? what is your favourite russian pateiotic aong? why? is there a song which could be called an unofficial nayional anthem of russia? give reasons for and against it. отвечайте как угодно: )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-им спеть что ли? 2- музыка- александр александров, слова- сергей михалков 3- да, советский (soviet anthem, different words) 4- the day of victory (день победы, как он был от нас далек) 5-главная победа страны 6- возможно, но именно гимн отражает все необходимое

Минусы damage to your eyes. we have become dependent on the internet. they became less ulitse.gulyat spending time with friends. talk face to face. плюсы

Популярно: Английский язык