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Нужно! : с complete the sentences with the right form of the verb in brackets and the right pronoun. 1. two pieces of his old furniture (be) still here. you can look at . 2. her jeans (be) too dirty. she needs to wash . 3. the news you bring always (upset) granny. can't you keep to yourself? 4. fifty thousand dollars (be) stolen from our local bank. it (be) a large sum of money, so the police (be) working day and night. 5. - my holiday (be) just five days long. - five days (be) very short, but you can use to go hiking. 6. - i bought five kilos of potatoes. - put in the box. five kilos (be) enough for a week.

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1. two pieces of his old furniture are still here. you can look at them.2. her jeans are too dirty. she needs to wash them.3. the news you bring always upsets granny. can't you keep it to yourself? 4. fifty thousand dollars has been stolen from our local bank. it is a large sum of money, so the police are working day and night.5. - my holiday is just five days long. - five days is very short, but you can use them to go hiking.6. - i bought five kilos of potatoes. - put them in the box. five kilos is enough for a week.

To enjoy the beauty of nature does not have to travel far enough to go to the park or forest. especially beautiful nature in the autumn, when i want to sit on the bench and to absorb its beauty, enjoy it. that's when you feel like your heart is filled with new colors, as it is saturated with the beauty of the world. at these moments, you realize how closely connected people to nature.надеюсь пойдет. : (перевод) чтобы наслаждаться красотой природы не нужно ехать далеко, достаточно сходить в парк или лес. особенно красива природа осенью, когда хочется сидеть на лавочке и впитывать его красоту, наслаждаться ею. вот когда вы чувствуете, как ваше сердце наполняется новыми красками, как она насыщается красотой окружающего мира. в такие моменты, понимаешь, насколько тесно связан человек с природой.

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