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1. вставьте глагол”to be” в правильной форме: he….my friend. 2. the book…..on the table. 3. …..i right? 4. they…..at home. 5. you…..late. 6. the day…..fine. 7. it……my job. 8. it……your problem. 9. you…..wrong. 10. its colour…..green. 11. she…..glad. 12. it…..late. 13. the children…..at school. 14. …your mother in? 15. …we safe here? 16. …..i early? 17. she…..not well. 18. their house…..large. 19. …….they your books? 20. ……it your ball? 21. …..the coat yours? 22. the pencil…..mine. 23. …it your turn? 24. she…..my sister. 25. we…..friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Is is am are are is is is are is is   is are is are am   is is is is is are

2. Sam was attacked by someone on Saturday night.

3. Beds are being made by maid every morning.

4. The letter will be written by him next week.

5. The project had been finished by Gary

6. The birthday cake is being baked by Catherine.

7. Was the police informed by Alison?

8. The burglars were being watched by the police.

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