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Составить предложения с этими словами 1)poetry-поэзия 2)sunlit world- солнечный мир 3)shapes-формы 4) noisy place-шумное место 5)untidiness-неопрятность

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1. we can always feel unmistakable byron's flavour in his unique  poetry. мы всегда можем чувствовать несомненную особенность байрона в его уникальной поэзии. 2. i adore walking early in the morning, especially in summer, when it seems i am in the marvelous sunlight world. обожаю гулять рано утром, особенно летом, когда кажется, что я нахожусь в чудесном солнечном мире. 3. water is a unique substance, because it can take any  shape you want.  вода - это уникальное вещество, потому что она может принимать любую форму, которую вы захотите. 4. please, keep quiet, i can't read in such a noisy place! , не шумите, я не могу читать в таком шумном месте! 5.  untidiness is a shame for  girl, she should always be beautiful and well-groomed. неопрятность - это стыд для девушки, она всегда должна быть красивой и ухоженной. 

              last summer i was writing a letter to my grandparents living a nearby village. being aware of their desire to hear from us as often as possible it was a right decision of mine to write them a letter today, because i knew it would be delivered by  tomorrow morning by the time they will be drinking tea.                "have you finished the letter yet ? ", -my younger brother rushed into the room, his eyes worried and i could read a kind of envy on his face he experienced on my writing a letter. "o, you still have been writing it", - he settled down and went to me closer. "i do hope you mentioned me in your letter, especially you had to describe my success at math this month".                     "i had written about you before you ran into the room as if you had been chased by a couple of tigers",- i answered and returned to my letter. "i hope they will have got it by tomorrow",- he went to the window and looked out. "and don`t forget to mention that it has been raining cats and dogs all the day long".                   "i will write about the weather, though you know they have the similar weather conditions in the village, because they live close to our hometown", - i added a sentence and got up. then i asked him, - if he wanted to join me on my  way to the post office, he agreed, and we left. the letter must be sent right now, he knew it so it took us only half an hour to get there and pay postage.

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