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Переведите керри стало стыдно за своё поведение.она решила пойти вечеринку. она собрала свои светлые волосы в хвост и одела своё ужасное вельветовое платье.на самом деле она выглядила мило перед вечеринкой керри заглянула в магазин и купила пару розовых роз. ланч был достаточно тихим а корса показалось доброй. керри вручила всем по цветку. керри понела что семья это самое важное в жизни.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Curry it became ashamed for the behavior.she decided to go evening-party. she collected the light   hair in a tail and dressed the terrible velveteen dress.actually   she выглядила nicelybefore the evening-party of curry glanced in a shop and bought the pair of pink roses. a lunch was quiet enough and корса showed oneself very kind. handed керри to all on a flower. керри of понела that family this most important in life.

Kerry felt ashamed of his povedenie.ona decided to go party. she gathered her blonde hair in a ponytail and wore his awful velvet plate.na fact she looks cute  kerry before the party looked to the store and bought a pair of pink roses.  lunch was quiet enough and corsa seemed very good. kerry presented to all on the flower. kerry ponel that the family is the most important thing in life.

In my opinion studying abroad is a great opportunity to meet new friends and explore culture of other countries. However, you are far from home and from your family, so this experience might be not quite easy. So, in general, I would like to study abroad.

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