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Выберите требуемую по смыслу форму глагола и переведите предложения на язык (conditionals): 1) if i … (have got / get) a college diploma i will be able to get a well-paid job. 2) if he … (would / could) come he would take part in making decisions. 3) unless they improve their attitude towards the work, they … (will fail / fail) the exam. 4) as there was no room at the hotel, they … (gave / would have given) them lodgings in a private house.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)     if i get a college diploma i will be  able to get a well-paid job. (если я получу диплом колледжа,то смогу найти хорошооплачиваемую работу) 2)     if he  could come he would take part in  making decisions. (если бы он смог прийти сейчас, то обязательно участвовал бы в принятии решений) 3) unless they improve their attitude towards the work,  they will  fail the exam. (если они не улучшат свое  отношение к работе, то их ждёт провал) 4)  as there was no room at the hotel, they  would have given them lodgings in a private house. (вот если бы не уже данные варианты,то я бы здесь поставила would give)(если бы в отеле тогда не было бы номеров, то их бы  разместили в  частном доме)

1.what's your name? 2.how do you spell your surname? 3.where do you come from? 4.where do you live? 5.which do you go to school? 6.what do you like doing in your free time? 7.what's your favorite subject at school? 8.how many sisters and brothers have you got? 9. what are your future plans? 10.tell me about your best friend

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