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Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the above boxes. Пример: ! (tall) am taller than my sister.

Sarah (busy)mary.
The sun (hot)
The earth (large)
the moon
Elephants (big)
6 Action movies (exciting)
This restaurant (good)
that restaurant.
8. Salads (healthy)
9. I think weekends (nice)
10. Lions (dangerous)
11. The sun (far)
the moon.
12. That hotel (bad)
this hotel.
13. Cars (fast)
14. Comedies (funny)
action movies.
15. 1 (nervous)
my friend
Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingsgrammar.com

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Ответы на вопрос:

Sarah is busier than Mary.

The sun is hotter than the moon.  

Elephants are bigger than  horses.

Action movies are more exciting  than comedies.

This restaurant is better than that restaurant.

Salads are healthier than  hamburgers.

I think weekends are nicer than  weekdays.

Lions are more dangerous than  rabbits.

The sun is further than  the moon.

That hotel is worse than  this hotel.

Cars are faster than  bicycles.

Comedies are funnier than  action movies.

I am more nervous than my friend.


Comparative - сравнительная степень.Если прилагательное короткое,то добавляешь в конце "er" или "ier"зависит от слова.(кроме исключений),а если длинное просто впереди добавляешь "more" и не забываем про "than - чем ",чтобы правильно сравнить.

1. i must take my black shoes to repairs. one heel is broken and both soles have holes in them.2. the result of these changes was an increase in the number of divorces.3. we have run out of petrol. let's stop and fill in.4. you look fine in this suit but i think the jacket is too long.5. sandals are summer shoes. the british men sometimes wear socks with them.6. we have everything we need in the kitchen. a refrigerator, an oven and a dishwasher.7. i wish i would not be in your shoes. this is a very difficult situation.8. help me choose some shoes. try on those brown ones. i think they will match your light-coloured suit.9. he got a puncture in the tire when he was overtaking other cars on the track.

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