Есть ответ 👍

Exercise 134: Choose the correct form of pronoun. 1. I fell and hurt when I was coming down the stairs. (me/myl myself)
2. I can't do about this problem. (something / anything/ nothing)
3. The car turned over and ended up on side. (it/their /its)
4 left this bag here by mistake. (Someone / Anyone / No one)
5. I know the details because I checked (it/you/them)
6. Some relatives of live in Italy. (you/hers / me)
7. would feel the same as me in this situation. (Everyone /Someome/Neome)
8. Did you cook it ? (myself / yourself / themselves)
9. I couldn't find Martin's phone (somewhere / everywhere / anywhere)
10. She got advice from her colleague. (an/some / any)
11. She created the whole thing by (herself / yourself / myself)
12. The presents were in boxes under the New Year Tree. (it /its/their)
13. Nowhere in the country is as beautiful as in place. (it / this/these)
14. They really enjoyed last night. (theyselves / theirselves/themselves)
15. Whose car is ? (that / those / these)
16. The company didn't pay for (his / her/its)
17. I can't trust besides you. (somebody / anybody / nobody)
18. I'm not going to apologize because I've done wrong. (something / anything / nothing)
19 could hear what I said. (Nobody / Nowhere / Nothing)
20. I met
when we were in the same class at school. (it / his / him)​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I fell and hurt myself when I was coming down the stairs. (me/myl myself)

2. I can't do anything about this problem. (something / anything/ nothing)

3. The car turned over and ended up on  side. (it/their /its)

4. Someone left this bag here by mistake. (Someone / Anyone / No one)

5. I know the details because I checked them (it/you/them)

6. Some relatives of hers. live in Italy. (you/hers / me)

7. Everyone would feel the same as me in this situation. (Everyone /Someome/Neome)

8. Did you cook it yourself? (myself / yourself / themselves)

9. I couldn't find Martin's phone anywhere (somewhere / everywhere / anywhere)

10. She got some advice from her colleague. (an/some / any)

11. She created the whole thing by herself (herself / yourself / myself)

12. The presents were in their boxes under the New Year Tree. (it /its/their)

13. Nowhere in the country is as beautiful as in this place. (it / this/these)

14. They really enjoyed themselves last night. (theyselves / theirselves/themselves)

15. Whose car is that? (that / those / these)

16. The company didn't pay for her (his / her/its)

17. I can't trust anybody besides you. (somebody / anybody / nobody)

18. I'm not going to apologize because I've done nothing wrong. (something / anything / nothing)

19 Nobody could hear what I said. (Nobody / Nowhere / Nothing)

20. I met him

when we were in the same class at school. (it / his / him)​


Не уверена но вроде так

Якщо ви запитаєте які країни я хотіла б відвідати, то це б були країни Західної та Центральної Європи . У таких країнах як Франція, Італія, Іспанія, Швейцарія, Австрія, Німеччина варто побувати хоча б раз у житті. Найбільше там вражають маленькі, але дуже милі містечка, розташовані на кожному кроці. У них не кипить бурхливий потік життя, ніхто нікуди не поспішає, все йде повільно, своєю чергою. Там живуть дуже добрі і привітні люди, готові в будь-який момент до вам. На розі звивистих вуличок розташовані маленькі затишні кафе, в яких місцеві жителі вечорами п'ють каву. Якщо ви затримаєтеся в такому містечку надовго, то дуже скоро увіллєтеся в цю мирну атмосферу і відчуєте смак повільного і неквапливого життя, без будь-якої суєти. Таке місто сміливо можна назвати містом мрії.

Популярно: Английский язык