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Переведите , на английский. 1. Элиза была очень утомлена, так как целый день ходила. 2. Она не могла переправиться через реку — паромы перестали ходить. 3. Элиза легко нашла дорогу к деревне, так как часто бывала там.

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1. Eliza was very tired as she walked all day. 2. She could not cross the river - ferries stopped running. 3. Eliza easily found her way to the village, as she often visited there.

1. Элиза была очень утомлена, так как целый день ходила.

2. Она не могла переправиться через реку — паромы перестали ходить.

3. Элиза легко нашла дорогу к деревне, так как часто бывала там.

Переведите , на английский.

1. Eliza was very tired, as she had been walking all day.

2. She could not cross the river — the ferries had stopped running.

3. Eliza easily found her way to the village, as she had often been there.

1the (пропустил сущ.) got the telegram some days ago. 2. she seldom to watches tv. 3. your parents will call us next week. 4. now all students are workinh in our lab. 5. tomorrow at this time we will be reading books. 6. helen was writing this article the whole evening yesterday.

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