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5 We had .
ol 이
3** Read the text again. Write K for Kilian,
G for Gisela or B for both.
1 His/Her parents did the same sport.
2 He/She started doing sports as a baby.
3 He/She went to another place to live.
4 He/She travels to a lot of different countries.
5 He/She teaches other people his/her sport.
at all
6 He/She went to university.
7 He/She did something for the first time
in 2010.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,5(90 оценок)

Склоненяемпо предложному падежу с вопросом " о чем?", тогда получаем о море, о доме, о столе и так далее все слово заканчивается с "Е"

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