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1. The workstation is: * а) powerful desktop computers used for high-performance tasks
b) type of a netbook
c) type of a server
d) ordinary personal computer that is connected to a network
e) desktop used for calculations

2. What are the differences between 5th generation computer and other generation computers? *

a) None of the above
b)Technological advancement
c) All of the above
d) Object Oriented
e) Scientific code

3. Which computer language is used for artificial intelligence? *

a) None of the above
c) C/C++

4. Which of the following is the output device? *

a) Joystick
b) Keyboard
c) Mouse
d) Loud speaker
e) Scanner

5. ... is a common boundary between two systems *

a) Surface
b) None of the above
c) Interface
d) Visual pathway
e) Interdiction

6. ...is the fastest, most powerful computer and the most expensive. *

a) Digital camera
b) Notebook Computers
c) Personal computer
d) Tablet PCs
e) Supercomputers

7. Which language was developed by professor Niklaus Wirth in 1970-1971? *

b) None of the above
d) APL

8. ASCII stands for *

a) American standard code for information interchange
b) American security code for information interchange
c) American Scientific code for information interchange
d) None of the above
e) All purpose scientific code for information interchange

9. A program that is employed in the development, repair or enhancement of other programs is known as … *

a) Applications program
b) None of the above
c) Utility program
d) System software
e) Software tool

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4,6(98 оценок)

Паскаль не помню, но как решить могу объяснить. дано две противоположенные вершины прямоугольника (x1,y1) и (x2,y2) прямоугольник при этом будет ровно один проверка на принадлежность точки этому прямоугольнику проста пусть x,y -это координаты точки вначале надо проверить кто больше x1 или x2, и y1 или y2 if (x1> x2) {       rx1 = x2; rx2 = x1; } else {       rx1 = x1; rx2 = x2; } if (y1> y2) {       ry1 = y2; ry2 = y1; } else {       ry1 = y1; ry2 = y2; } if (x> rx1) and (x< rx2) and (y> ry1) and (y< ry2) {   точка с координатами x, y лежит внутри прямоугольника. } if (x=rx1) or (x=rx2) or (y=ry1) or (y=ry2) {   точка с координатами x, y лежит на одной из граней прямоугольника. } теперь осталось написать program begin readln(координаты) проверки writeln(ответ) end.

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