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Fill in the gaps. Then, answer the questions about yourself, as in the example. 1. What sport do you enjoy playing? (play) - I enjoy playing tennis and volleyball.

2. What countries do you look forward to …..(visit)? -

3. What kind of music do you like……(listen to)?-

4. Name one thing you have regretted …..(do) in the last year?-

5. What food do you avoid …..(eat)?-

6. How often do you go ……(shop)?-

  Underline the correct item.

1. She admitted breaking/to break the vase.

2. He agreed buying/to buy the house.

3. Tracy enjoys going/to go to parties.

4. I can’t help to laugh/laughing at her jokes.

5. You are advised not going/to go out in the sun.

6. Read/Reading is fun as well as educational.

7. I’m busy cooking/to cook at the moment.

8. They decided selling/ to sell their old house.

Put the verb in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form.

1.A:What would you like ….(have) for dessert?

  B: I’d like a fruit salad, please.

2.A: Are you sure we must ….(attend) the seminar on Friday?

  B: Yes, I’m sure. Mr Simons said that if we want …(pass) the course, we had better ….(go).

3. A: I can’t decide what …..(wear) to the party.

   B: Why don’t you wear your red dress?

4. A: Can you call me back later? I’m in the middle of …..(bake) a cake.

   B: No problem. What time do want me ……(phone) you back?

5. A: There’s no point …..(try) to convince her. She has made up her mind.

    B: Maybe. But I’d prefer ….(try) anyway.

6. A: Brian is planning …..(buy) Mr Evans a birthday present.

   B: Really! Well, I think he’d like Brian …..(get) him a book.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same s the first. Use up to three words.

1. Sam is happy to work late tonight.

Sam doesn’t mind working late tonight.

2. I don’t mind walking the dog.

I’d be happy ……….the dog.

3. They’re very excited about going on holiday.

They are looking …...on holiday.

4. Sally is travelling abroad this summer.

This summer, Sally plans …….abroad.

5. They didn’t let her go out last night.

They made her …...last night.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

23.1) need we  read the text? 2) need  i wait for you? 3) need he learn about this? 4) need you explain your choice? 5) need i go to the meeting? 6) need you tell him the truth? 7) need i buy some bread? 8) need i leave at once? 24.1)you needn`t speak louder as i hear you quite well.2)he needn`t  hurry if he wants to catch the train as he has plenty of time.3)i needn`t stay at home tonight as nobody is going to call on me.4)you needn`t buy this dictionary as you can borrow it from the library.5)you needn`t wait for your friend as you`ll ring him up in the evening.6)you needn`t help your brother as he is old enough to do it.7)you needn`t ring up home at once as i've just had a talk with my family.8)you needn`t speak to the dean to arrange the matter as the teacher has already solved the problem.

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