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Does Rick have to put his things in his cupboard
2 Does Emily have to feed the
family pets
Yes No
3 Does Dad have to take the dog for
a walk in the evening?
Yes No
4 Does Mum have to wait for
permission to go into Ricks room
5 Should Emily and Rick try not
to fight

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1) 1H 2E 3A 4F 5B

2) 1 compulsory
2 schooling
3 leaving
4 curriculum
5 sit
6 pupils
7 subjects
8 colleges
9 Higher
10 assessment

3) 1 seminar
2 applying
3 application
4 curriculum vitae
5 employer
6 qualification
7 experience
8 interview
9 salary
10 training

4) 1b 2d 3a 4c

5) a. 1 You don’t have to go to school on Saturdays
2 Passengers mustn’t smoke in this compartment
3 I can’t remember my new phone number

b. 1 It’s high time for government to invest in the education
2. It’s time to think about the future

6) a. 1 Alan has his clothes washed
2. Joe had the dripping tap fixed
3. We are having our desks painted at the moment.

b. 1 would get
2 had kept

7) a. 1 can get; drive
2 wouldn’t drink; were you
3 would have bought; had known

b. 1 She believed that he has stolen her money his debts to be paid
2 The teacher saw Ann cheating at the test


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