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UNESCO World Heritake Site: OTHER a man made
structure that
masterpiece that reflecta
cultural change of
represents a unique culture
OR a place with incredible
natural beauty rare natural
features a vitalo
endangered ecosystem
w Look at the definition. What makes the places in the
text UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
.. Listen and read to find out.
Man-made Masterpieces
Blenheim Palace, UK
In 19th century England, Queen Anne
Visitors are welcome to stroll around the
ordered a palace to be built as a gift for
grounds and see the Great Lake and the
John Churchill, a celebrated war hero who
ancient oak trees, which are almost
won the Battle of Blenheim Work began in
1,000 years old. A lot of the palace's 187
1705 and the palace was completed in
rooms are open to the public with a huge
1722. It was the grandest project of its age
collection of paintings and fumiture from
and one of the first buildings created in the
the past. The current Duke and Duchess
English Romantic style of architecture.
have their privacy, though - in a four-
Blenheim Palace is located inside an
storey section of the palace with 46
enormous park, landscaped by the rooms, including 12 bedrooms and 10
famous designer Capability Brown.
The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Kazakhstan
imur was a military leader who project was never finished, but it
of 121
stretched from modern-day Turkey in century architecture. The structure has
the west to Pakistan in the east. Timur 35 rooms, including the mausoleum
was more than a fierce warrior, and a mosque, and is covered by the
however. He loved art and architecture, largest dome of its kind in Central Asia.
and was very religious. One of his Visitors can see the original paintings
greatest projects was rebuilding the and tiles on the walls inside. The
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, a Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is
poet and wise man who died in 1166. not only a fascinating example of
Construction began in 1389. but Timurd architecture, but also a popular
stopped when Timur died in 1405. The site for pilgrims and tourists.
Check these words
grand locate
andscape privacy : 2 Read the texts. Then, read the sentences (1-5) and write M
for the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and B for Blenheim Palace.
nilitary leader
1 It was built in the 18th century.
4 People still live there.
arrior religious 2 It is visited by religious travellers.
5 The building was
onstruction - dome
3 It was a present for a national hero.
never completed
e • pilarim

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