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Заполните каждый пропуск одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. 1.
My (1) ... life is in ruins now! Dad has just (2) ... me a big secret that he's (3) ... offered a new job and our family will move to the USA. I can't believe it! (4) ... can I leave all my friends and school?
I’m sorry for (1) … having written for so long, but I’ve (2) … busy with exams. They’re over now, and I can relax for some (3) … and write letters to (4) … my friends.
Flowers grow everywhere in the world but when people think of tulips they think of the Netherlands. The Dutch have a saying: ‘Flowers love people’. If this is true, the flowers really love the Dutch, as flowers have been cultivated in the Netherlands for hundreds of years. In fact, the flower industry has been (1) … profitable that it has been boosting the Dutch economy (2) ... the seventeenth century. Recently, however, the Dutch flower growers have been having difficulties in coping with the tough competition from abroad. The Colombians, for instance, have (3) … the Dutch by surprise. Their flowers are now in demand (4) … over the world due to the simple fact that they are cheaper.
4. Dolphins are intelligent animals which use sounds to communicate with each (1) ... . The noises they make sound to us (2) ... a 'jumble' of whistles and squeaks. But some naturalists believe that dolphins tell each other (3) ... the place (4) ... it's possible to find food.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Алекса́ндр Серге́евич Пу́шкин (26 мая [6 июня] 1799, Москва — 29 января [10 февраля] 1837, Санкт-Петербург) — русский поэт, драматург и прозаик, заложивший основы русского реалистического направления[2], критик и теоретик литературы, историк, публицист; один из самых авторитетных литературных деятелей первой трети XIX века.

Отец Александра Сергеевича - Сергей Львович (1770 - 1848), служил в гвардии, после состоял в Комиссариатском штате. Писал стихи на французском, участвовал в спектаклях.

Его жена (и мать А.С. Пушкина) - Надежда Осиповна Ганнибал (1775 - 1836) была образованной, жизнерадостной и очень красивой девушкой, как и Сергей Львович хорошо знала французский. В возрасте 21 года завела семью с Сергеем Львовичем Пушкиным, с которым прожила 40 лет, воспитав четверых детей.

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