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i am 15year old girl and i have very strict parents.they don*t like it when i go out to meet my friends.they know very well that i am a responsible child but they are always so overprotective.i love them but they kill my social life.i never have freedom.i always have to be there when they call me.i let my friends down.i don*t go to their birthday parties or to the cinema.i*m also afraid of losing them,i feel depressed and stupid over it.i can*t wait until i*m 18nto do what i want to.please help.

what*s ann*s problem? -she has strict parents.

what should ann do? -she should wait for her 18th birthday.she should to her parents about her social life.

nobody loves this word. conflicts destroy friendship, good relations between people. but how they arise? they can arise there does not be not no place: you will argue with the girl-friend what singer better, with mum when it is necessary to do lessons. we will look conflicts on concrete examples: in a family, at school and with friends. conflicts in the family. to quarrel with the brother or sister - who the first will play the computer, mum or the daddy forbids to go to play with friends etc. conflicts at school. on change one person by accident has pushed another, "at me an estimation above, i mean you more cleverly! ". conflicts to friends. to quarrel because of different tastes: "green colour is better red! " or "my dress is more beautiful than yours! ". conflicts happen different, but what big they would not be, it is better to prevent them!


не любит это слово. именно конфликты разрушают дружбу, хорошие отношения между людьми. но как они возникают? они могут возникнуть не неоткуда: ты поспоришь с подружкой какой певец лучше, с мамой когда нужно делать уроки. посмотрим конфликты на конкретных примерах: в семье, в школе и с друзьями. конфликты в семье. поссориться с братом или сестрой - кто первый будет играть на компьютере, мама или папа запрещает идти играть с друзьями и т.д. конфликты в школе. на перемене один человек по случайности толкнул другого, "у меня оценка выше, значит я тебя умнее! " . конфликты с друзьями. поссориться из-за разных вкусов: "зелёный цвет лучше красного! " или "моё платье красивее твоего! ". конфликты бывают разными, но какими большими бы они не были, лучше их предотвращать!

a part of the flight when the plane leaves the ground is

take-off the people who fly the plane are

pilots i travel a lot either for pleasure or on

business london stores are of tradition and modernity.

a mixture we are late. if we want to the train, we’ll have to take a taxi.

catch a person who checks you in at a hotel is a

receptionist i have never seen the audience so much. i think there were five

calls in a train you can chat with – passengers. fellow don’t you want a for your luggage, miss? porter the breakfast is put in the bill hurry up, or we’ll the bus! miss my dream is to go on an around-the-world a luxurious ship. voyage after the beatles, the rolling stones have probably been the most successful __ in britain. group the single greatest on japanese weather is the wind. influence i’m fond of and i often watch disney films with children. animation tourists can use different means of transport or travel foot. on when we arrived we checked in at reception, then the carried our suitcases up to our room. porter this comedy is a funny of fiction and you need a passport to cross the between mexico and the united states. border they’ve gone on an to york. excursion it’s easy to your train and then wait for the next one. miss i am not a great as we have a new cinema near the house i go and see a film cinema- the travel agency is arranging for us to at a really nice hotel in the mountains. stay every is held to commemorate the founding of our town 150 years ago. a festival their tiring from vladivostok to moscow lasted a week. journey in the distance the clouds covered the sky and you could hear the rumble of thunder the big stores of london are vast equipped with speedy lifts and escalators. well-planned buildings i had a two-day business to tula. trip a new shopping centre, including a hypermarket, is going to be built in the of town. centre no customer likes to be thought of as a shopper. expensive the place where you can sit and have a drink while waiting for your flight departure is a departure lounge we at that hotel for 5 nights in august but i our room two months in advance. stayed…booked the hurricane in moscow and buildings. destroyed on sunday i am leaving for spain. would you like to me see…off they say that the begins with the street accidents are in the fog. frequent the hotel where we are is quite luxurious. staying i throw a my dog and he back to me. we could not find a room at that hotel as it was fully booked london chain-stores have in most british towns of importance. branches

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