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Ex. 1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. If they (plan) the robbery better, they (succeed) .-

If the police (act) more quickly, they (prevent) the robbery.-

If he (not drive) so fast, he (not have) an accident. -

The crime rate (not increase) if the last government’s policy (be) more efficient. -
The police (not catch) him if he (not leave) his fingerprints on the door.

Ex. 2 Make a condition sentence beginning with if for each of the situations below. Translate the sentences (из двух простых предложений составить одно, употребляя сослагательное наклонение третьеготипа):
The police did not act decisively. The criminal escaped. - If the police had acted decisively the criminal wouldn’t have escaped.
The police did not apologize. Mr. Weskley was not satisfied.
The robber forgot to take a map. He got lost.
The thief did not run fast. The police caught him.
The court released the prisoner early. He injured two police officers.
Ex. 3 Read a text and make 3 sentences using Conditional 3 (прочитайте текст и составьте 3 предложения, употребляя сослагательное наклонение третьего типа):
A 35-year-old man was driving his two children (aged 5 and 6) to a theme park. The son and daughter were in the back of the car. The man gave them a packet of sweets to eat during the journey. They started fighting and one of the children began to choke on the sweets. The child could not breathe and was in difficulties. The driver turned round to help and lost control of the car. It crashed into a group of people sitting at tables outside a café. Five people were injured, two seriously. The man was arrested and charged with dangerous driving.
3. ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

A. Is there a beach in the town?

B. No, there are a castle and a Beautiful River.

A. Are there any good shops here?

B. Yes, and also there are two supermarkets.

A. Are there any cinemas?

B. No, there aren't any cinemas.

A. Is there a railway station?

B. No, there isn't a railway station but a bus station.

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