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Help me ! please)) нужно вставить в the aborigines the native people of australia) two-thirds of them when europeans australia) it 4. so because aborigines 5. in contact with small pox before so they 6. no immunity. besides they badly by the europeans, who them and 10. their land from them. 1. a) are b) have been c) was d) will be 2. a) die b) died c)were dying d) have died 3. a) colonized b) colonize c) have colonized d) had colonized 4. a) happen b) happines c) happened d) has happened 5) a) were not b) had not been c) have not been d) has not been 6. a) have b) has c) had d) have had 7. a) were treated b) are treated c) have been treated d) will be treated 8. a) want b) wants c) wanted d) will want 9. a) dominate b) dominates c) to dominate d) dominated 10. a) take b) takes c) will take d) would take

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1. a) are  2. b) died      3. a) colonized  4. c) happened 5) b) had not been 6.  c) had7. a) were treated    8. c) wanted  9.  c) to dominate 10. a) take

3 Прочитайте пункт 2 еще раз. Обозначьте диаграмму 1-4.

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