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I. Измените предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple Tense: 1. I played in the garden.
2. She drinks tea every day.
3. I live in London.
4. It begins to rain.
5. The teacher gives me a book.
6. My sister plays the piano well.
7. We don’t like cheese.
8. My mother usually does her work carefully.
9. The dog eats its dinner.
10. Omar knows George.
11. They like our house.
12. I catch fish in the river.
13. He is rich.
14. The dog is in the garden.
15. She works as a nurse.

II. Запишите форму времени и причастие времени этих глаголов и разделите их на две колонки: правильные и неправильные глаголы.

Play, want, stop, do, buy, like, drink, eat, write, read, wash, hope, know, burn, think, fall, come, go, ask, tell, have, watch, teach, learn, see, decorate, paint, plant, make, open, stay, meet, put.

III. Прочитайте рассказ. Все выделенные глаголы поставьте в время.
A London Fog

It is a very foggy day in London. The fog is so thick that it is impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis are not able to run and are standing by the side of the road. People are trying to find their way about on foot but are losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith has a very important meeting at the House of Commons and has to get there but no one can take him. He tries to walk there but finds he is quite lost. Suddenly he bumps into a stranger. The stranger asks if he can help him. Mr. Smith says he wants to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger tells him he will take him there. Mr. Smith thanks him and they start to walk there. The dog is getting thicker every minute but the stranger has no difficulty in finding the way. He goes along one street, turns down another, crosses a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they arrive at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith can’t understand how the stranger finds his way. “ It is wonderful,” he says . “ How do you find the way in this fog?”
“ It is no trouble at all to me,” says the stranger. “ I am blind.”

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) a: what  did  you  have  for breakfast? b: i  didn't  eat anything. i just  drank  a glass of milk. 2) a: how  did  terry  get  to the train station yesterday? b: he  took  a taxi. 3) a: where  did  you  go  last night, julia? b: i  went  to a rock concert with my friend, susan.  4) a:   did  you  read  the book i  gave  you last week? b: yes, it was very interesting. 5) a: what  did  tina  do  yesterday afternoon? b: she  made  a cake with her mum.  

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