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Выполните упражнение.Выберите из скобок правильное сочетание 1)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.
2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.
3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.
4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).
5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?
6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?
7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).
8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to understand it.
9) There is (food enough/enough food) for everyone.
10) Are there (pencils enough/enough pencils) for all the pupils?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.

2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.

3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.

4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).

5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?

6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?

7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).

8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to underst


1231)The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars.

2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it.

3)М John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school.

4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat).

5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)?

6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody?

7) The days have become (long enough/enough long).

8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to underst

1) don't understand

Я не понимаю, почему вы носите пальто в помещении.

2) phones

Она обычно звонит своим родителяи каждый день.

3) will be

На следующей неделе моему брату исполнится двадцать шесть.


Популярно: Английский язык