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2 Read the conversation between two friends and choose the correct word. Paul: Hey, Ruby! Have you ever (1) trained / been horse-riding?
Ruby: No, I haven't. Why?
Paul: There's a riding school not far from the city. I'd love to (2) learn / play how to ride.
Ruby: Really? I can't imagine you on a horse! Anyway, you haven't got any time next
week. You have to (3) train / score for the match.
Paul: Yes, I guess you're right. And the other team is going to (4) beat/ win us if we
don't improve. Did you see that tall player they have? He's amazing!
Ruby: You mean the guy who (5) scored / did five goals in the last game? I think
everyone noticed him! He (6) trains / does judo too, you
6/ know.
Paul: What? Are you serious?
Ruby: And he (7) plays / scores baseball too!
Paul: Oh, no! The other team is going to (8) win / beat the match - I can feel it already!​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1. Been 2 .Learn 3 .Train 4 .Beat 5. Scored 6. Does 7. Plays 8. Win



1)1.has there ever

2.we have just

3.i have never

4.she isn`t hungry-she has just

5.have you ever

2)1.have you ever written a science fiction story

    2.have you ever taken a photo of the sky at night

    3.have you ever dreamt of about a journey into space

    4.have you ever seen a ufo

    5.have you ever met anybody who has seen a ufo

    6.have you ever told to an alien 


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