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4 Complete the article. Use one word in each gap. Animals on the Roads
The number of vehicles on our roads is going
up every year so it is not surprising that the
number of wild animals that are
(24) killed is also increasing.
Roads often cross the routes that
(25) taken by animals when they
are migrating, breeding or feeding. As a result,
each year (26)
are thousands of
animals, including toads, badgers, hedgehogs
and even birds, that fall victim to the motor
vehicle. Can anything (27) done
to protect them?
In 1969 a road tunnel for use by wildlife
(28) built in Switzerland and was
a great success. Since then, many other tunnels
have (29) constructed across
Europe. In Florida, where the rare Florida
panther lives, authorities decided that steps
needed to (30)
taken to protect
the animals. (31) only were tunnels
built under the highway (32)
fencing was put up to guide the animals safely
into the underpasses.

Road signs warning drivers to look out for
particular animals (33) .. ... ... often seen
in the US and (34)
is hoped that
they will become a common sight on the roads
of Europe. (35) is clear is that we
can and should act to minimise the dangers we
pose to wildlife.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1was drinking,rang 2didn't go out,had stopped raining 3had played,called

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