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Reading. The trip to New York Read Rob's post in his blog about his trip to New York and answer five questions below. Write full answers.

Our trip to New York so far!

July 2nd at 3:56 pm

photo by pixabay.com

Wow! New York is fantastic! We're having a great time. I can't believe we got here only three days ago! There are so many sights and thousands of tourists everywhere! Here's what we did in our first few days in the Big Apple.

We arrived on Saturday and got a taxi to the Paramount Hotel. It's in Times Square, in the centre of the city, so it was easy to find, but it can be a bit noisy. There's a lot of traffic in New York! It's not the capital city of the USA — that’s Washington — but more people live in New York than anywhere else in America. The good thing about our hotel is that it’s very close to the places we want to visit. We dropped our bags and we immediately went to explore the area. It was late, but we had a great time just looking at everything, I had a hot dog for dinner, with lots of mustard! It made me feel like I was in America!

The next day, Sunday, we went to the Empire State Building. It's huge! We went up to the Observatory on the 102nd floor — that’s right at the top! You pay to get into the building, and the ticket for the Observatory is an extra $15. It's expensive, but there's an amazing view! We saw the river, with lots of ferries on it, and lots of really tall buildings. I didn’t take any photographs because I didn't have my camera with me, but got some good postcards instead. Did it make me scared to be so high? Yes, of course, it did!

On Monday, we went to Central Park. It's right in the centre of New York, and it's got lakes and lots of trees and places to walk. There's a swimming pool, and I went in but my parents didn't. They had a picnic on the grass. After that, we got in a carriage with two horses and went all round the park.

Tomorrow's plan is a tour of Greenwich Village, with a tour guide to tell us about everything.

I love New York!

adapted from Laser A1 SB


1) Where is Rob’s hotel situated?

2) What did Rob and his parents do on the first day of their arrival?

3) What can we see from the Observatory?

4) What did Rob’s parents do in Central Park?

5) What is Rob going to do on Tuesday?


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the first time I You know the name and name it was a little

вообще Я не знаю ответ тарам там тарам там тарам там там Встретились глаза vss3 дети слушали Соловьёв сон плов

Хелен: На следующей неделе у меня день рождения, а я еще ничего не сделала! Энди: Не волнуйся!! Я тебе, если хочешь, Что нужно сделать? Хелен: Ну, я еще не организовала музыку. Энди: 2 мой MP3-плеер и колонки? Хелен: Я воспользуюсь своим MP3-плеером, но?... ваши колонки? Они больше моих. Энди: Нет проблем. А как насчет еды? 4 составьте список для супермаркета? Хелен: Конечно, но мне нужно решить, что купить в первую очередь! Энди: А как насчет закусок и пиццы? Хелен: Это хорошая идея. 5 твоя мама приготовит эту домашнюю пиццу? Это так хорошо! Энди: ХОРОШО, Хелен: Отлично! Итак, 6... в супермаркет и мне кое-что купить? Энди: Конечно. Теперь все организовано, я же говорил тебе не волноваться!

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