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Complete the dialogue between Jodie and her dad with the correct forms of used to and the verbs in
J: Dad, did you use to own (you/own) a smartphone
when you were my age?
D: Did I what?
(you/use) a smartphone or
a laptop when you were a teenager?
D: What?! No I didn't. I was 14 in ... er ... wait
a minute ... in 1981. We 2
laptops back then.
J: So, how 3
(check) your
D: Jodie?! There were no messages or texts; no
Facebook or anything. We
(send) letters or faxes.
J: I see. Wow ... Dad, what's a fax?
D: Er ... well ... it was a bit like a photocopier. You
(write) your message on
a piece of paper, then put it in the fax machine ...
J: And then?
D: Well, then you
(dial) the
number and wait. The machine er... well it read
the piece of paper and sent it to your friend.
J: What, the piece of paper?
D: What? No! Not the same piece of paper, Jodie
just the message
J: I see. Wow.

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I would like stat for you a good friend

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