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1 Match 1-9 with a-i.
a an exam
1 copy
2 play
3 cheat
4 revise
5 take / fail/pass
6 get
b in exams
ca friend's work
d school
e truant
f someone
g for a test
h friends
i bad / good marks/
a qualification
7 leave
8 make
9 bully / expel /

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. He says that he will visit us  before he leaves our town.

2. Jane will stay at home until she will feel better.

3. I will tell you as soon as i know.

4. Give my love to Laura if you will see her.

5. We won't finish work in time unless you will help us.

6. I will give you my bike if you bring it back tomorrow.

7. Mother says that we will have dinner after we will unpack our things.

8. Don't get off the train until it stops.

9. You may take this book if you won't keep it too long.

10. Your boss wil give a day off on condition that  you will work on saturday morning.

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