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1. He must be a bad / badly student. He hard / hardly studies at all. 2. It’s a beautiful / beautifully arranged bunch of flowers. It’s real / really good / well.
3. I’m impressed how fluent / fluently she speaks English. Her language is accurate / accurately,
4. I’m not sure she is a good / well teacher. She is very impatient / impatiently with children.
5. She is a wonderful / wonderfully cook. All her dishes smell and taste nice / nicely.
6. I’m absolute / absolutely sure that it’s a real / really pearl.
7. The task is surprising / surprisingly easy. I’m sure we’ll do it very quick / quickly.
8. Sue looks different / differently after her illness. She doesn’t feel good / well enough yet.
9. Your essay is quite good / well. You’ve been working hard / hardly lately.
10. He is a slow / slowly thinker but he does everything very attentive / attentively

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. bad, hardly

2. beautiful, really good

3. fluently, accurate

4. good, impatient

5. wonderful, nice

6. absolutely, real

7. surprisingly, quickly

8. different, good

9. good, hard

10. slow, attentively

1) 1 were , 2were, 3was ,4was ,5was ,6were ,7were ,8were ,9was ,10was
2)1read 2 left 3 watched 4 did not make 5 arranged 6got 7 talked 8slept 9enjoyed 10gave 11encouraged12 waited 13!shipped 14worried 15did 16went 17took 18ran 19drunk 20forgot
3) she did not hurry to school
Did she hurry to school ?
They carried the bags
Did they carry the bags ?

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