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How healthy are you? Listen to the recording and match the questions with the correct answers: 4) Number of connections: 3 Why are your cheeks so rosy? You should move a lot, sleep well, and eat healthy food. What are your favourite outdoor activities? I like skating and skiing most of all. What should I do to stay healthy? We were walking in the park.​

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3 - 1

Наверное так...

My monday was very good and intrestihg. in the mornind i went to school and meeted my old friend. on the lessons i worked very hard. when i went to the home. my mum helped me with a homework. when i had a dinner.  мой понедельник прошёл хорошо и интересно. утром я пошла в школу и встретила своего старого друга. на уроках я хорошо работала. потом я пошла домой. мама мне с работой. после этого я поужинала. извини, если что то было не правдой. ведь я не знаю как прошёл твой день.

Популярно: Английский язык